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Explore Health Care in Asia
China is the most populated nation on earth with nearly 1.4 billion people. 139 million people of the population are over the age of 64. Health expenditures have risen in the last few decades due to insurance reform, the aging population, technology advance and economic development. The central government in China is responsible for national health policy, law and administration.
Age groups
- 0-14: 17.15%
- 15-24: 12.78%
- 25-54: 48.51%
- 55-64: 10.75%
- 65 years and over: 10.81%
- 14,300 – Puplic
- 15,800 – Private
Health spending averages per person USD
- $564
Total spend on healthcare local currency
- 5,670.3 Billion RMB
No. of healthcare workers
- 7 million